Exploring the Color #FFFAFA: A Gentle Pink-White Hue

What is #FFFAFA?

The color #FFFAFA is a very light pinkish-white shade. It’s almost pure white but with just a hint of pink, making it soft and warm. You can think of it like the color of fresh snow with a tiny bit of pink.

How is #FFFAFA Described in Different Color Systems?

  1. RGB (Red, Green, Blue):
    • Red: 255 (full red)
    • Green: 250 (almost full green)
    • Blue: 250 (almost full blue)
    • It’s mostly white, with a little pink.
  2. HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness):
    • Hue: 0.05 (near red)
    • Saturation: 88% (almost pure color)
    • Lightness: 78% (very light)

This means the color is soft and bright.

  1. HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value):
    • Hue: 18 (close to red)
    • Saturation: 40% (not fully saturated)
    • Value: 97% (very bright)
  2. CMYK (Printing Colors):
    • Cyan: 0%
    • Magenta: 28%
    • Yellow: 40%
    • Black: 3%

This shows how the color would look if printed, using just a bit of magenta, yellow, and black.

Shades and Tints of #FFFAFA

  • Shades are darker versions (e.g., #e6e1e1, #ccc8c8).
  • Tints are lighter versions (e.g., #fffbfb, #ffffff).

Related Colors

If you like #FFFAFA, you might also enjoy:

  • #fffcfc (slightly more intense pink)
  • #ccc8c8 (a soft, grayish pink)
  • #ffffff (pure white)


#FFFAFA is a soft, light color that feels calm and gentle. It’s perfect for creating peaceful, warm, and inviting designs. It’s mostly white with just a touch of pink, making it a versatile and pleasant color for any project.

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